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Compliance Signs and Florida 69A-60.008 Sign Rules
The Aldridge-Benge Firefighter Safety Act of 2008 became law on December 13, 2009 after unanimously passing the Florida House and Senate in 2008. The new law is named in honor of two Orange County, Florida Firefighters, Todd Aldridge and Mark Benge, died in 1989 after the roof of a gift shop collapsed, thus the necessity for Florida 69A-60.008 Signs.
Unlike conventional construction, lightweight truss-type construction does not obtain its strength from the size of the materials used, but rather from compression and tension of the materials used during the time it was being put together. This information about a structure s construction are vital for firefighting tactics which is why now required the placement of Florida has 69A-60.008 Signs to buildings.
Lightweight wood trusses are economical construction elements that combine high strength, light weight, and cost savings. The parallel-chord truss is one of the most common lightweight trusses used in commercial and residential occupancies today. Structures that have been constructed with these materials are required to put up light weight truss signs in order to help firefighters to know how to approach fire situations safer. This is because like all structural components, these light weight trusses are arguably susceptible to failure when exposed to fire.
Florida Building Solutions of Tampa and Hillsborough assess building construction and provide the complete set of Florida 69A-60.008 Signs. They provide standard Light weight truss signs such as warning hazard signs, light gauge truss signs, wood frame truss signs, and repetitive wood truss signs for commercial, industrial, and multi-unit residential structures all over the Tampa and Hillsborough area. In addition to the placement of these lightweight truss signs, they also will provide a sketch of your building for you and the local fire department having jurisdiction, specifying your buildings exits, fire ratings, construction type, fire department connections, and on-site hydrant locations. In addition, they will also provide the local authority with the proper documentation required to acknowledge your building has met the new 69A-60.008 signs code requirements. These light weight truss signs or symbols will alert firefighters of the construction material and allow them to modify their tactics for fighting fires in buildings.
According to the 69A-60.008 Code, Any commercial, industrial, or multiunit residential structure of three units or more, which uses horizontal or vertical light-frame truss-type construction in any portion shall be marked with an approved sign. Townhouses are not multi-unit residential structures and therefore not subject to this rule. The approved 69A-60.008 Signs include:
R for structures with light-frame truss roofs
F for structures with light-frame truss floor systems
RF for tructures with light-frame truss floor and roof systems
The sign specifications say that these should be made in a reflective red color. Other specifications of these signs can be found on the Fire Marshall manual. You can see other required standard light weight truss signs for Light Gauge Truss, Wood Frame Truss, and Repetitive Wood Truss signs on the same manual.
For 2009, about 93 fire fighter casualties were reported; and one of the top reasons for these fatalities is the lack of the said compliance signs on the buildings. Traditionally the fire scene is the most hazardous work area for firefighters each year. When compared with the sheer number of responses to non-fire emergencies such as emergency medical incidents by firefighters, the fire ground is more dangerous than the scene of a medical emergency by orders of magnitude. Residential structure fires accounted for the largest share of fire ground deaths (17 deaths or16%) in 2007 and has increased by 2% by 2009. Reduce these numbers by getting your building assessed.
Florida Building Solutions St. Petersburg
7518 3rd Ave N.
St. Petersburg, FL 33710
Email: info@floridabuildingsolutions.com
Website: www.floridabuildingsolutions.com
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