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Cremation is A Good Alternative
Paula Adams
At times accepting death as a part of life can be very difficult because losing someone special can change the meaning of our life. However we must come to terms with it, as it is something that cannot be avoided. Despite the loss of a beloved, one has to get the body buried or cremated.
Cremation is the procedure of reducing deceased human bodies into basic chemical compounds in the form of bone fragments. The process is conducted through vaporization and high temperature.
If you want, you can bury the cremation remains in a traditional cemetery or other approved site. Usually the ashes are scattered, but there are people who prefer the ashes to be placed in an urn. Cremation urns are containers, where people can place the ashes of the loved ones that can be buried or kept at home as a remembrance. The urns are available in various sizes and types such as, companion urns, individual urns, keepsake jewelry urns and keepsake urns. Some of them are specially crafted for children, with attractive patterns and vibrant colors.
Cremation urn jewelry is studded with precious diamonds and gems. It comes in various shapes and sizes; you can get one in the shape of a pendant and wear it on a chain. Many people decide to get rings crafted with incredible designs that are kept in attractive cases. There are specially designed urns for pets because for most, they are just like part of the family. There are several companies that offers personalized cremation urns. You can even get an astonishing state-of-art 3D imaging, by simply producing a picture of your beloved. So now you can keep the memory of your loved ones intact.
Today more and more people are opting for cremation because the cost of cremation can be much smaller in comparison to traditional burial services. The entire process is considered to be highly respectful and dignified, and is executed under extremely stern regulation. First the departed is placed in an incinerator, and then all the belongings along with jewelry are kept on the body. The casket is closed and the process of cremation starts with the permission of the medical examiner. High flame is used to burn the body, after the process is completed; extra flames are used to break down the remains. The body is removed after the incinerator gets cooled. The entire process takes around two hours.
Cremation is performed by special crematory operator who takes care of the documentation and handles the equipment. The designated funeral director along with the family members, plan the services and sign the permission for the rituals. When the service is over, the cremated ashes are put in a container, or special urn, if one was purchased and given to the family member or friend to take home or wherever.
If you’re going through the death of a loved one, you can get more information about the
cremation process
costs of cremation
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