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For Type 2 Diabetics, Can Diabetes Cure Naturally? by Jeffrey Dale *This article focuses on those with Type 2 Diabetes. We do not provide medical advice and recommend that you speak with you personal doctor before making any changes in your care or treatment plans.Do you feel like your type 2 diabetes is a death sentence? Not to worry, it is possible to have a diabetes cure naturally. All it takes is making a few lifestyle changes. Type 2 Diabetes is totally preventable and naturally treatable.The tremendous increase in T2 diabetes cases has led to the necessity of research to help get rid of this menace. Medicines are available to help monitor your sugar levels. Diabetes occurs when the pancreas can’t produce adequate insulin to regulate one’s sugar levels – or n the case of most T2 diabetics, they become resistant to the insulin produced.But with hard economic times and rising inflation, most T2 diabetics cannot sustain the expensive treatment. Most of these drugs have to be taken daily which is a severe financial burden on the patients. Alternative natural therapies have come up to help cure their diabetes.You can try the following methods to help cure T2 Diabetes naturally:1. Weight loss – Research has shown that losing weight is critical in getting rid of diabetes. Weight gain is one of the primary reasons for the rise in diabetes worldwide. As a person suffering from diabetes, make an effort to shed a few kilos.Losing even a gram of fat in your body will cure diabetes naturally. To do so, take up simple exercises such as walking, jogging, and even aerobics. Getting into an exercise regime will help lose weight and keep it that way.If you are already on medication, weight loss will help lower your blood sugar. By losing weight, you will find that you can successfully cut back on some drugs you take. Exercising also helps hinder insulin resistance in the body.2. Healthy Diet – Eating healthy also helps T2 diabetes cure naturally. A diet that limits your daily calorie intake to 1200-1600 can contribute to getting rid of diabetes in your life. A healthy meal plan can free you from diabetes medication.An example of foods that should be part of your diet includes kidney beans that are rich in magnesium and potassium. Kidney beans are rich in protein without the usual saturation. They are also high in fiber which helps regulate blood sugar levels.Green leafy vegetables also good for people with diabetes since they are low in carbohydrates and other calories. By eating dark green vegetables such as kales, you will not gain weight and remain full.Consuming whole grains is also advisable for people with diabetes. These foods are high in fiber which gives the gut ample time to metabolize. Refined foods lack fiber and easily digested by the body leading to a surge in glucose levels.Fruits are also considered to be low glycemic foods which imply that they are slowly absorbed by the body. Slow digestion ensures that the blood sugar levels do not spike.Portion control is important in your diet since it ensures you consume just enough food to give your body the necessary energy to function. Ensure that a significant part of your meal is filled with vegetables. There should be small proteins as well as carbohydrates that are high in fiber.It is possible for Type 2 diabetes to cure naturally through exercising and healthy eating.Source:http://www.telegraph.co.uk/science/2016/03/14/type-2-diabetes-can-be-cured-through-weight-loss-newcastle-unive/http://www.diabetes.co.uk/Diabetes-herbal.htmlJeffrey Dale is a Type 2 Diabetic and asks the questions, “Can you be a Type 2 Diabetic and poke fun at the disease, or will it get mad at you if you do”? He shares everything he’s learned-the hard way-as an “expert” on his blog at reversingtype2diabetes.infoArticle Source: eArticlesOnline.com