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Submitted by: Jeremy Horwitz
There are lots of reasons why a business may want to think about redesigning their website, or at least overhauling its image and content. Websites have evolved and continue to evolve over time and so it is important that you should update your site regularly to keep up with the times, and more importantly, your competitors. If your competitors have brand new, freshly designed websites, and yours is looking old and stagnant with dated content, then it is likely that your customers will pick up on this and consider carrying out their business with your rivals.
Websites that look outdated speak volumes about the business they represent. If your site is outdated, then perhaps your technology is too, and the entire operation. Your site is your online face and is the first impression your online customers will get of your business, so it is crucial that you make it a good one.
Is it easy to use?
Whilst your site might look spectacular, it may be hard to use and difficult for your customers to navigate. In this sense, the simplicity of your site is as important as its aesthetics. Consider all of the links found in the content, and all of the different aspects that have been added to the site since its conception. Do the links still work? Have all of the additions to the site made it too large and complicated? If this is the case then perhaps think about downsizing the content to make it easier to use, and make sure that the links that are accessible actually work, so that the content of your site is as relevant and current as possible.
Has your business changed?
If the nature of your business has changed, or the services that you offer have grown, developed or altered in any way, then you will want to reflect this in your site so that your potential customers are fully aware. Any structural changes that you have undergone within your business or any branding changes that may have occurred will need to be shown in your new site if they are not already represented.
Keeping your site relevant
There are many reasons why you might want to think about recreating your website or amending it in some way. Essentially, your business should speak to your visitors about who you are now, how you have developed and what you do. It should be as current as possible and so you will need to continuously assess your content and any links that you provide within the site. If your website requires continuous updates in this way then you might want to think about a content management system so that you can do this easily and without the help of a professional.
Your customers experience
A lot of work needs to go into designing, or redesigning your website because it is through this avenue that your online business will grow. Persuading customers to do business with you can be difficult, so you will want to make their experience of using your site a positive one so that they will visit it again. A website with strong content that is user-friendly and appears high on the search engine results pages will help you to do this.
About the Author: Jeremy Horwitz is a freelance author who writes about various Website Design topics. To know more about Jeremy’s Ideas please visit his website.
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