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Secrets Of Team Building At Workplace
Different people have different opinions, experiences and goals. These are brought along by each individual member of the team. The challenge is how to build a successful team despite all the differences.
A team is a group of individuals who work together on a specific task or project. Team members unite to reach a common goal. Teams are created to encourage participation among individuals in terms of planning, problem solving and decision making. Increased participation increases employee engagement.
Belonging to a team means being part of something greater than yourself. Understanding the objectives of the organization is important. Being a member of the team means contributing to the overall achievement of the organization.
Heres a list of secret ingredients to having a successful team:
Clear Expectations Team leaders communicating clearly the expectations or desired outcomes to each team member is a key to building a successful team. It is important that at the start of the project each team member understands the purpose of the team.
Commitment Each team member is committed to complete the project. Whatever has been started will be completed. What has been expected will be delivered.
Context Each team member understands the teams importance in the accomplishment of the overall organizational goals. A team members work contributes to the teams goals. A teams work contributes to the organizational goals.
Competence Each team member has the knowledge and skills to perform his task. If a team member does not have the appropriate knowledge and skills, he knows that he has access to the help and support needed.
Control Each team member is empowered to perform his task while understanding the boundaries. Scope and limitations are defined at the start of the project. Teams reporting relations, management and responsibility are understood by all team members.
Communication Each team member is open to giving and receiving feedback. Important business news and information are communicated promptly. Varied points of view are brought to the table. Necessary disputes are disclosed and managed.
Consequences Each team member is supplied with rewards and recognition when the team is successful. Both team and individual performance are recognized. Team members focus on issue resolution rather than blaming others.
Coordination Each team member coordinates with each other under the direction of the team leader. The concept of internal customer is being practiced. A customer and process-focused organization is being developed.
Culture Change Each team member embraces changes that enhance the organizational culture. Past failures are used for learning. Team support is important and can be taken as an investment to having an effective team that produces effective results.
Creative Innovation Each team member gives importance to creative thinking and new ideas. Tolerable risks are taken to make enhancements. Training is provided to motivate new ideas.
A teams work contributes effectively to the business success. Engaged team members take responsibility to deliver successful projects, products, services and relationships. They exert effort to make the business grow and succeed, taking the business as their own. Thus, creating a work environment that fosters and recognizes team work is important.
Reshali BalasubramaniamHead of HR, HR Counselor and adviser at https://jobpal.lk/and EFutureTech Systems. Submit your resume online and be contacted by prospective employers.
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