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Submitted by: Rita Hayward
You need to take cna classes to complete your nursing assistant certificate. After finishing a training class you will then need to pass the certification exam. There are a number of options that you can take to pass the exam.
There are a number of colleges that offer training. There are also healthcare providers that offer training programs. There are also come online courses, however you still have to do your practical at a certain location. You can also do your training at the Red Cross.
The basic course curriculum will be the same in every state because of federal governing bodies. The length and depth of a can training course will depend on which state you are in and the cost will also differ from state to state.
When is CNA Training needed
A healthcare provider can offer training if you are willing to work for that particular facility. They will mostly provide training in return for a certain amount of work at the facility after you have completed your course. You may even decide to stay on after that particular time period has been met. The most common places that you will find these arrangements at long term health facilities, health agencies and host atlas.
The American red cross also offers training in about 36 different locations throughout the US. Their training programs are top notch and produce some of the most skilled students in America.
There are also community colleges that offer cna training classes. These classes can take a few weeks to a few months. They are however not typically credited courses.
You may want to take the online training route as wall. You can do most of the work you would normally do in a classroom online, however you still need to do your hands on training on some type of healthcare facility.
CNA Classes Explanation
You can sometimes receive free cna training through your employer or if you are on benefits or unemployed. The price of the course can range form a few hundred dollars to a few thousand. Try and compare prices to find the best program that suits your budget and your needs.
The overall time that is required in the training is normally about 75 hours. Although the better training programs normally take a lot longer than that. There is also the option to take a full time of a part time option. You need to make your mind up which options suits you the best.
Cna classes will help you prepare for your career as a certified nursing assistant. In your training you will get to know the procedures you must perform the patient privacy laws as well as good communication skills as well as learn to perform tasks for safety for you and your co-workers.
There will be the theory component normally in a classroom, as well as lab and hands on training during your course where you will practice your cna tasks. Most of you practical work you will use role playing with other students so that you can learn the overall duties that you will have to perform on a day to day basis.
Most classes are normally taught by a registered nurse and will follow a set curriculum determined by state and federal regulations. In theses lesions you will learn the skills and tasks needed to complete your exam and provide to notch care for your patients in a fulfilling career as a certified nursing assistant.
Final Thoughts
All your training will help you prepare you for the certification exam the you will have to pass. The test has the written part as well as the practical part where you will demonstrate your ability to perform the variety of tasks that you will see in day to day work. You need to pass both these test to receive your certification.
About the Author: Rita Hayward is a medical expert who specializes in helping people complete their medical training. You can find more information about her at
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