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Pet Food – Ideas About Natural Balance Dog Food
Melinda Smith
The only way to really know what is in your pet’s food is to make it yourself. It is easy to make pet food. Consult the internet for recipes and run then them by your veterinarian to make sure the mix of nutrients is right for your pet. Dogs have certain needs that have to be met for their health to be maintained. Introduce the changes slowly to avoid upsetting your pet. This will ensure your success.
Another area of contention is bones. Some experts assert that you should not feed your dog bones, especially cooked bones. Fragments can become lodged in the digestive tract. Everyone is in agreement that cooked chicken bones must never be fed to dogs. But cooked bones of other varieties are not clear cut. Many experts maintain that dogs should be fed bones – and there is a diversity of opinion upon whether raw or cooked is preferable. Canines in the wild who eat bones have the benefit of consuming hair and hide too, which have been found to ‘pad’ the bone fragments and aid in their passing. Other foods to avoid that are dangerous for dogs are chocolate, avocadoes, mushrooms, macadamia nuts, grapes, raisins, onions, and garlic.
Being aware of the recent pet food recall, various pet owners have started looking for nutritional guidelines for homemade dog food. Beliefs related to natural balance dog food keep on changing. In ancient times, it was believed that canines were carnivores but after a number of dogs suffered illness by eating an all-meat diet, it’s been decided that they are actually omnivores, that is, they require both meat and plant-based foods. However, cats are different, since they are true carnivores as they eat only meat.
Many pet food companies have based the $15 billion dollar pet food industry on what they believe to be the perfect nutritional balance in their products. There are still many questions as to the prime nutritional diet for our pets. It seems that many companies do the least amount of research and analysis of nutritional requirements for dog food, and spend more time focusing on growing profit margins. Many pet food companies seem to be placing emphasis on their profits rather than our pet’s health.
There are so-called experts out there who recommend just about any kind of dietary regimen you can imagine: vegan, vegetarian, all meat, raw foods, top level meat kibble, inexpensive corn kibble, canned products, or collections of homemade recipes. You may want to go by your own pet’s health. If the veterinarian says all is well, your pet has lots of energy, his weight is appropriate, and he has a shiny coat and clear eyes, then it’s likely he’s getting the proper nourishment.
Canines need protein with 10 amino acids in it. Lots of the dog food products on the market are based on corn, which provides just four of them despite having vegetable protein in it. The dietary regimen most in demand nowadays appears to have a meat base and provides superior quality protein like albumen, fowl, meats, or fish and an amount of carbohydrates from grains, vegetables for energy, various fats, and assorted added nutrients.
You can find such ingredients in the top food products on the market or you can make them in your own home with foods you would eat yourself. If you are making homemade dog food, you should use an assortment of recipes to provide your dog with a nutritional balance. If you should wish to attempt making an array of fine meals, you will discover lots of excellent recipes for homemade dog foods on the internet.
It is easy to make
pet food
. Dogs have certain needs that have to be met for their health to be maintained. The aftermath of the recent food recall is that many people are searching for healthful recipes to make their own
homemade dog food
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Pet Food – Ideas About Natural Balance Dog Food}